Здоровое питание

Масис (гора)


Масис (гора):

Различные традиции ассоциировали Джуди-даг и Арарат с вершиной, на которой остановился Ноев ковчег.


  1. ↑ Acta Iranica, Volume XI — Centre International d’Etudes Indo-iraniennes, 1985, стр. 447—458. Стр. 456:

    In Armenia there are three mountain groups bearing the name Masis, the acc. case of a pl. tantum form *Masik-k … :

    (i) Azat 'Noble, Free', Masis and P’ok’r 'Little' Masis, named anhistorically by Arm. Christians Greater and Lesser Ararat, Tk. Agri dagi;
    (ii) Nex Masis, north of Lake Van Gk. Baris, Tk. Sübhan dagi, this form an arabicised homonym from the older Arm. Sip’an or Cip’an; and
    (iii) a branch of the Taurus above Nisibis called by Strabo (Geog. XI.xii.4) to Masion oros, Arabic Jabal Judi.

    In the first two cases the mountains called Masis are strikingly larger than those nearby, and Jabal Judi in Gordyene was associated with the Biblical legend of the Ark in early Christian times, so that it, too, was considered to have been the highest of mountains, at least in the days of the Flood.

Масис (гора).

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