Здоровое питание

Применение грибов в медицине


Фотография нескольких представителей царства грибов, используемых в современной комплементарной медицине (Enoki, King Oyster mushrooms, Shiitake).

Медицинское применение грибов — традиционная форма лекарственной терапии, часть народной медицины. В настоящее время — одно из направлений фармакотерапии.

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Грибы всегда были одним из даров природы, используемых человеком — в качестве пищевых продуктов, лекарств, иногда — и наркотиков.

Медицинское применение грибов основано на огромном опыте традиционной (народной) медицины.

Основные направления современных исследований

Получение антибиотиков против инфекционных заболеваний


Исследования грибов на основе сведений народной медицины

Многие грибы в настоящее время используются в качестве лекарственных, их применяют в виде пищи, БАД, настоек, экстрактов и др. Одним из наиболее важных направлений исследований в настоящее время является определение возможности использования препаратов из природного сырья в качестве лекарственных средств при онкологических заболеваниях.

Некоторые из грибов пользуются очень широкой известностью.

Ганодерма (Ganoderma applanatum, Ganoderma lucidum (Линьчи, Рейши)

Ганодерма (Reishi)
Плодовые тела одного из видов ганодермы

Плодовые тела лакированного трутовика, Ganoderma lucidum, а также других видов трутовиков из рода Ганодерма хорошо известны как традиционное лекарственное средство в странах юго-восточной Азии (Китай, Корея, Япония). Китайское название этого древесного гриба — Линьчи, смысл этого названия — «растение души» (традиционное китайское написание: 靈芝; упр. кит.: 灵芝; японский язык: рейши; корейский: yeongji, hangul: 영지). Некоторые виды Ganoderma используются в традиционной восточной медицине уже тысячи лет. В Японии этот гриб называется как Reishi, и под этим названием он чаще всего известен на Западе. Медицинское действие Reishi связывают с наличием тритерпенов, в том числе ганодермовая кислотаганодермовой кислоты, а также полисахаридов, бета-глюканов.

Research findings

Lentinan, a beta-glucan isolated from the Shiitake mushroom.

A 2008 review by UC Davis concluded that there is currently not enough evidence to promote the use of medicinal mushrooms in the treatment of specific diseases. However, the paper emphasized the need for future clinical trials due to the large amount of in vivo and in vitro research indicating certain medicinal mushrooms may be able to stimulate aspects of the immune system.[1]

Highly purified compounds isolated from medicinal mushrooms like lentinan (isolated from Shiitake), and Polysaccharide-K, (isolated from Trametes versicolor), have become incorporated into the health care system of countries such as Japan.[2] In Japan, the compounds are used to stimulate the immune systems of patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Research suggests the compounds in medicinal mushrooms most responsible for upregulating the immune system, are a diverse collection of polysaccharide compounds, particularly beta-glucans.

Experimental Anti-aromatase Activity of Various Mushrooms

Mushrooms like Agaricus bisporus[3][4] may be able to influence the activity of aromatase, the enzyme responsible for producing estrogen, due to evidence from an aromatase inhibition enzyme assay conducted by Shiuan Chen and colleagues (1997). This experiment was undertaken because estrogen has been implicated in certain medical conditions such as breast cancer. (Results do not indicate enzyme inhibition in the human body).

Diagram showing the role of aromatase and 5-alpha-reductase in hormone production.
Results of mushroom enzyme assay.

Experimental Anti-5-alpha-Reductase Activity of Various Mushrooms

Mushrooms like Reishi[5], may be able to influence the activity of 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme responsible for producing dihydrotestosterone, due to evidence from an 5-alpha reductase inhibition enzyme assay by Shiuan Chen and colleagues (1997). This experiment was undertaken because dihydrotestosterone has been implicated in certain medical conditions such as prostate cancer and male pattern baldness. (Results do not indicate enzyme inhibition in the human body).

Results of mushroom enzyme assay

Mushrooms with Direct Antiviral Properties

Research has shown that some mushrooms contain anti-viral properties.[6] Experiments have shown that some mushrooms can partially or completely inhibit certain viruses outside of a living organism. This list contains some of this information and does not indicate anti-viral activity after mushroom ingestion by living organisms.

HSV-1 cultured in a petri dish.

Hericium erinaceus (Lion's Mane Mushroom, Yamabushitake)

The «Lion’s Mane Mushroom».

To English speakers, the mushroom is known as «Lion’s Mane Mushroom», to the Chinese it is known as «monkey head mushroom» (simplified: 猴头菇; traditional: 猴頭菇). In Japanese the mushroom is known as yamabushitake, or «mountain hidden mushroom» (山伏茸).

Scientists have investigated Hericium erinaceus for possible anti-dementia activity. Primary research has demonstrated the following.

Flammulina velutipes (Enokitake)

The Enokitake mushroom.

Enokitake (Chinese: 金針菇, Pinyin: jīnzhēngū;Japanese: えのき茸 enokitake; Korean: 팽이버섯) are long, thin white mushrooms used in Asian cuisines.

This mushroom contains compounds with antitumor activity and epidemiological studies in Japan have associated the mushroom with lower cancer rates.[22][23]

Inonotus obliquus (Chaga mushroom, Kabanoanatake)

The Chaga mushroom growing on a tree.

Researchers have noted that the Chaga mushroom has anti-cancer properties and may be able to stimulate the immune system.[24][25][26][27]

The Chaga mushroom contains betulin and inotodiol, two compounds which has been shown to be able to induce apoptosis in some cell lines in mice.[28][29]

Researchers have noted the Chaga mushroom has potent antioxidant activity[30], anti-inflammatory properties[31] and may be able to lower blood sugar levels.[24]

Chaga mushrooms have reportedly been used in Russia for medicinal purposes.[32]

Sparassis crispa (Cauliflower mushroom, Hanabiratake)

The «Cauliflower» mushroom.

Experiments have revealed that this mushroom naturally contains chemicals which may stimulate the immune system and have anti-tumor properties.[33][34][35][36]

Pleurotus eryngii (King oyster mushroom)

The «King oyster» mushroom.

Pleurotus eryngii (also known as «king oyster mushroom») is an edible mushroom. In Chinese, it is called xìng bào gū (杏鮑菇, lit. «almond abalone mushroom»). In Japanese, it is called eringi エリンギ.

Pleurotus eryngii naturally contains chemicals which may stimulate the immune system.[37]

Piptoporus betulinus (Birch bracket mushroom, Kanbatake)

The «Birch bracket» mushroom.

Piptoporus betulinus has anticancer properties,[38] anti-inflammatory properties,[39][40] anti-bacterial properties,[41] and anti-viral properties.[42]

Ötzi the Iceman, a mummified human from 3300 BC, was found carrying Piptoporus betulinus wrapped in a leather string. Some scientists have speculated it was used medicinally, due to the fact the mummy was found to have intestinal parasites (whipworm).

Agrocybe cylindracea (Agrocybe aegerita)

Researchers have studied Agrocybe cylindracea (yanagimatsutake, zhuzhuang-tiantougu) for biological activity. Researchers have noted the mushroom possess anticancer properties,[43] hypoglycemic properties,[44] antioxidant compounds,[45] as well as compounds with cyclooxygenase inhibitory properties.[46]

Fomes fomentarius (Tinder conk mushroom, Tsuriganetabe)

Research has indicated the tinder conk mushroom contains compounds with antitumor activity.[47]

Cordyceps (Caterpillar fungus, Tochukasu)

Weighing the «Caterpillar fungus» in Qinghai, China, July 2009.

The cordyceps mushroom is a parasitic fungus which grows out of insects it has infected. The mushroom has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine as well as traditional Tibetan medicine.[48] In Tibet Cordyceps is a cash crop with an ever increasing value.[49] During the Nepalese Civil War fractions fought for control of the Cordyceps trade.[50] According to Chinese medicine, the mushroom is beneficial for health, endurance, and is considered an aphrodisiac. The mushroom’s name in Chinese is dong chong xia cao (冬虫夏草, «winter worm, summer grass»).

The popularity of this fungus caught the world’s attention due to three female Chinese athletes, Wang Junxia, Qu Yunxia, and Zhang Linli who set 5 new world records for 1,500, 3,000 and 10,000 meters in 1993 at the National Games in Beijing, China. The amount of new world records being set at a single track event caused much attention. Following the races, the woman were expected by some, to fail drug tests for anabolic steroids. However, the athletes tests revealed no illegal substances, and coach Ma Junren told reporters the secret was that the runners were taking Cordyceps at his request.

Modern research has indicated the mushroom has


См. также


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Применение грибов в медицине.

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